Welcome to Thrive Wellness, Presbyterian Senior Living's commitment to creating a culture of wellness, engagement, and purposeful living. We believe in empowering all individuals to live their best lives and challenge the perception of aging.
This guide will help you understand the interconnected dimensions of wellness and provide resources to support your journey towards becoming your best self. Fulfillment may look different to each person, but the path to reach it is the same — the pursuit of wellness. There are eight pillars, or dimensions, of wellness that encompass total well-being.
The more each pillar is developed, the more fulfillment a person experiences as they grow into the best version of themselves.
Wellness is not just about physical health; it's a multidimensional, interconnected concept that encompasses various aspects of our lives. At Thrive Wellness, we focus on six key dimensions.
These dimensions are deeply interconnected. For example, improving your physical health can boost your emotional wellbeing, while strong social connections can support your intellectual growth and spiritual fulfillment.
Taking care of your body through exercise, nutrition, and preventive care.
Managing stress, building resilience, and expressing emotions in healthy ways.
Engaging in lifelong learning, creativity, and critical thinking.
Building and maintaining meaningful relationships and connections.
Finding purpose, meaning, and connection to something greater than ourselves.
Finding fulfillment and purpose in our work and career choices.
The 6 Powers can help you elevate your wellness journey and cultivate a culture of ownership in your personal and professional life. Here's how you can apply these principles.
By embracing these powers, you can elevate your wellness journey and contribute to a culture of growth, responsibility, and purpose in our workplace.
Cultivate self-awareness and see the world clearly. Question your assumptions and biases.
Take responsibility for your actions, choices, and growth. Embrace challenges as opportunities for development.
Seek knowledge and turn it into wisdom through experience. Be open to learning from others and from your own mistakes.
Fully commit to your personal and professional goals. Be present in your relationships and work.
Develop resilience and persistence in the face of obstacles. Stay committed to your values and goals.
Contribute to your community and share your knowledge and experiences with others. Be a mentor and a lifelong learner.
Your mind is a powerful tool for personal growth and wellbeing. Cultivating intellectual and emotional wellness can help you navigate life's challenges with resilience and creativity.
Why it's important:
The Mind (thelifemanagementalliance.com)
Insight Timer APP
Emotion Management (thelifemanagementalliance.com)
Mental Health:
Techniques and strategies: Techniques & Strategies (lifeline.org.au)
Tools and Apps: Tools & Apps (lifeline.org.au)
wlcTheRoadtoResilience.pdf (vumc.org)
Mental Fitness:
Strengthening Your Mental Fitness | Mayo Clinic Employee Mental Health and Well-Being
Physical wellness is the foundation for pursuing the joys in our life. It's about feeling energized, strong, and capable of tackling life's adventures and showing up for the loved ones in our life.
Why it's important:
Exercise (thelifemanagementalliance.com)
PhysicalWebServ (thelifemanagementalliance.com)
Nutrition Main Page (thelifemanagementalliance.com)
Sleep (thelifemanagementalliance.com)
Spiritual wellness isn't necessarily about religion; it's about finding purpose, meaning, and a sense of connection in your life and work. This includes developing a culture of ownership in your job and contributing to something greater than yourself.
Why it's important:
Start here: Spirituality Defined (thelifemanagementalliance.com)
PurposeMissionCalling (thelifemanagementalliance.com)
The Meaning And Purpose Of Life (thelifemanagementalliance.com)
Social connection:
social-wellness-checklist-3.pdf (nih.gov)
Building social connections (lifeline.org.au)
Detailed Contents Relationships (thelifemanagementalliance.com)
Remember, wellness is a journey, not a destination. It's about making small, consistent choices that add up to significant improvements in your overall wellbeing.
1. Set realistic, achievable goals for each dimension of wellness.
2. Track your progress and celebrate small wins.
3. Seek support from colleagues, friends, or professionals when needed.
4. Be patient and kind to yourself; change takes time.
5. Stay curious and open to new experiences and learning opportunities.
At Presbyterian Senior Living, we're committed to supporting your wellness journey. Take advantage of the resources available to you, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need additional support or have ideas for improving our wellness initiatives.
Remember, by taking care of yourself, you're not only improving your own life but also contributing to a positive, energetic, and purposeful workplace culture. Let's thrive together!
Don’t talk about it before hand. Just take action now. Don’t look around, hesitate or wonder what someone else will do. Don’t announce it. Don’t speculate on it. Just take epic action always. Epic action means brave definitive action even when the outcome is uncertain, the goal undefined and the intention unclear. Talk is cheap, action is rich. You are defined by what you do, not by what you say. Ironically, if all you do is talk and never act, you will be defined the opposite way in which you speak. Action defines who you are, talk degrades it.
Seek to understand before being understood. Assume you are the most ignorant person in the room. A man who knows all, learns nothing. Allowing yourself to be taught by another builds trust and rapport. Only someone with a huge ego sees it any other way. You cannot not talk and learn, or speak and understand, at the same time. If you want to teach you must first learn, and to learn you must first listen.
Speak the truth. When speaking truth remember two rules: first, your truth is not THE truth and second, the truth is almost always incomplete. Speak truth to the deepest degree you can. Truth can be subjective. When it is, clarify you are speaking “your truth” not “the truth.” Truth is also often incomplete or one sided. When it is, acknowledge it is. When you speak ask yourself two questions, 1) is this true 2) is it necessary. Lies by omission or otherwise are poison to the soul.
See the world clearly. Look at it carefully. Go beyond the distractions of the outside world. Be aware of the delusions of your inner psyche. Question everything, most of all your own motives and drives. When you don’t understand, say so. If you need guidance ask for it. Look for meaning, not pleasure. The drive to pleasure is always there. You are human. But pleasure is fleeting. It can easily become a distraction. See life for what it is, a movie of your own making. Is your movie going to be about a hedonistic broken- down spirit in a drunken stupor of pleasure seeking? Or a movie of wide-eyed clarity, focus and purpose?
Own who you are. Declare it and then wear it like a badge of honor. What you stand for and what you are willing to fight, bleed and die for; that is who you are. Realize life happens to you, but you also happen to life. Anything that happens to you, or is in your field of awareness, is your responsibility alone. Blaming and complaining are toxins to the spirit. These things steal your honor. It is by choice alone you set your path in motion.
Know when it’s time to draw your weapons and protect your honor & your tribe. Create boundaries rather than carrying baggage. Boundaries are the lines in the sand we draw. Do not tolerate encroachment. Never let a person define your boundaries for you. You must defend what is most sacred, your honor code, your loved ones, your creations, your legacy. Never let a person try to define you in a way you know you are not, or no longer wish to be.
Know exactly what you are willing to bleed for. Never be afraid to accumulate another wound or battle scar. Each time you are willing to bleed for what you stand for, you solidify your honor and your legacy. Fears are not meant to be avoided, they are meant to be confronted. Feelings are not meant to be stuffed, they are to be felt. No one ever became less fearful by avoiding their fears. Know when it is time to fight, and then, be the first into battle and the last one out.
Create meaning and purpose in your life. There is no destination or arrival point. You don’t arrive in the land of happy. You will remain ever dissatisfied. It is a mistake to deny this reality. Life is your canvas and dissatisfaction drives you to paint. It is the essence of your creative energy. Harness it and create something beautiful. Decide on your purpose & meaning. You are not given a painting of happiness or meaning. You can’t buy a painting of happiness or meaning either. You must paint these things yourself. Recognize that your painting will never be completed. It is not meant to be. You don’t put the paint brush down until you die.
Give freely without expectation, need for reciprocation or desire for thanks. Realize that generosity is an energy currency that is meant to flow forward and away from you. You are the conduit. Let abundance flow through you, and you will always attract it. It’s like water, it follows the path of least resistance. Be the source of this currency. Realize that most humans are programmed to take. Do your part to change this reality by giving so freely, and in such big ways that others are at first shocked, but then inspired to do the same. Be the gift, be the kindness, be the change.
Leave a legacy. With all your intentions and all your interactions think, “what will this leave behind?” Your life is like a giant stone dropping into a small pond, only you get to choose the magnitude and direction of the ripples. Will the waves of your life lift others and guide them to places they would not have otherwise reached? Or will they topple others making their life more difficult? The intentions we set live after us. Turn those intentions into shining marble statues that inspire all you touch, all you meet and all they too will encounter
Emotional wellness includes the capacity to manage individual feelings and have a realistic assessment of limitations, a sense of autonomy, and the ability to cope effectively with stress. Emotional wellness follows the principle of understanding one’s own ability to evaluate their own emotions and feelings.
Do you have additional questions about benefits? Feel free to contact us at (717) 502-1868 or email benefits@psl.org.