A Special Holiday Message from Presbyterian Senior Living's President & CEO
Dear PSL Family,
We are heading into one of the most exciting times of the year! Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or another annual celebration, this time of year is the opportunity to take stock of our blessings, rekindle old relationships, spend time with the ones we love, and for many, exchange gifts and best wishes to those closest in our lives.
Always, but especially this time of year, I derive great satisfaction from serving within an organization that is committed to making the lives of others better. I am very blessed to be able to work alongside individuals dedicated to serving older adults, and I give thanks for all our team members, the people that call a PSL community home, and those we serve through our home and community-based service programs.
This year will mark the second Christmas for the Davis family where two beautiful grandchildren will grace our house with their presence! I am truly looking forward to seeing their eyes light up at the sight of our sparkling Christmas Tree and hearing their excited laughter as they strip the wrapping paper from their gifts.
There is also the joy one experiences with the simple aspect of being with family and the ones you love. Just being present and watching my wife, children, and other friends and family members converse, joke, laugh and yes even sometimes cry, gives me great pleasure and reinforces my belief in an all loving God who sent his only son that we may have life everlasting.
My wish for you this season, is that you experience those moments of joy that strengthen your faith and brings you closer to the ones you love.
In your service,
Dan Davis
President and Chief Executive Officer
About Dan Davis
Mr. Davis has over 30 years of experience in aging services and has been a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator since 1993. Mr. Davis has been with PSL for 21 years and has served as Executive Director, Regional Director of Operations, Vice President of Continuing Care Operations, and Chief Operating Officer prior to assuming the role of President and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Davis is a graduate of Oklahoma City University with a Bachelor’s in Business and holds a Master’s in Organizational Leadership and Development from Shippensburg University. He is active in Leading Age and Leading Age PA, is a staunch advocate for aging services, and has served as Treasurer on the board of the state association. In addition, Mr. Davis has served on other non-profit and advisory boards.