Presbyterian Senior Living : Blog

Giving voice to the topics that mean the most to those who matter the most.

Presbyterian Senior Living

PSL is a mission-driven organization that lives our values of integrity, mutual respect, creative curiosity, and connectedness. Building on a legacy of 96 years, we provide residential and care services to more than 6,000 seniors in 27 locations across the mid-Atlantic region of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio and Delaware.

Blog Feature

Health & Aging

Think F.A.S.T: How to Tell if Someone You Know is Having a Stroke [Health Infographic]

May is American Stroke Month. Do you know the warning signs of stroke? The American Heart Association reports every 40 seconds someone has a stroke. It can happen to anyone, at any age. Recognizing the signs and taking immediate action can make the difference between life and death for someone you love. The sooner the treatment, the less chance a person risks developing serious brain damage. Learn the stroke warning signs to watch out for. By doing so, you may just save a life.

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Blog Feature

Health & Aging  |  Reflections & Leadership

The Importance of Intergenerational Programming for Youth, Older Adults, and Community

Do you consider yourself young or young at heart? If you're over the age of 70 and feel your best years are behind you, we may have the answer to that one recurring question you keep finding yourself asking: "What can I do to feel young again?" What if we told you there was a way to regain the youth of years past? Would you believe us?

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Are You Asking the Right Questions?

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Blog Feature

Housing & Development

The Best of Both Worlds: New Trends Shaping Senior Housing in PA

Baby boomers are getting older. By the year 2030, it's estimated that adults over 65 will make up 20 percent of the world's population. While some of these adults will continue to live in their homes, many will seek the comfort of maintenance-free retirement options. Research conducted by Center for Housing Policy projects the doubling of the 65-plus population, over the years to come, will shape the demand for senior housing and supportive care services. What does this mean for senior housing providers?

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Blog Feature

Meaningful Moments at Westminster Place: Sister, I Got Your Back!

A friend to the end. That's what we all look for. Someone willing to stick with us through the good times and the bad. Someone we can count on. Someone who will have our back no matter what. How far does one have to look for a friend like this? Apparently, for four sisters living at Westminster Place at Bloomsburg, not very far.

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Blog Feature

Finance & Planning

Revealed! 5 Secrets to Becoming an Effective Charitable Giver

Giving back locally is a great way to show appreciation for the life-enhancing work area organizations are doing for the improvement of community life. By doing so, you're not only declaring you are proud to be a member of the community in which you live; but in fact, you're living out honorable traits that sharpen effective habits. It's what financial stewardship is all about.

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Blog Feature

Finance & Planning

Save on Your Energy Bill with These Energy Saving Tips [Infographic]

Concerned about your energy bill? Looking for clever ways to reduce your home energy cost? You're not alone. As the country continues to grow, so does the demand for energy. To combat this issue, the U.S. economy has transitioned to become more energy-productive, looking for new and innovative ways to decrease its energy consumption.

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