Presbyterian Senior Living : Blog
Giving voice to the topics that mean the most to those who matter the most.
Introduction to Engineering Design students and teammates (l to r) Danielle Grant, Morgan Goodhart, and Lara Vera work to incorporate suggested changes to their Bingo board. Freshman engineering students, from Penn State Mont Alto, may have just changed the way we play a game of Bingo. Daniele Grant, Morgan Goodhart, and Lara Vera visited the Presbyterian Senior Living community of Quincy Village on Friday, November 21 to share a prototype of their new user-centered Bingo board with 103-year-old resident Ruby Hussey.
The new year will soon be upon us as 2015 marks the beginning of a fresh start. If you’ve been struggling on and off with healthy goal setting, prioritizing, and finding time to enjoy the hobbies you cherish, then this is a great time to rethink and plan for the future. Try not to let another year go by without focusing on what’s most important to you. Whether it’s personal health and fitness goals, volunteering with a local community organization, or spending time with family and the grandkids, the following 5 New Year's resolutions will help you start 2015 off right.
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Are you planning a visit home for the holidays? If you're an adult child of an aging parent, the holidays may be the only time of the year you get to check up on dear mom and dad—particularly if you live out of town. According to a 2021 survey by the AARP, it's reported that 77% of adults, 50 and older, live home alone by choice. For this reason, it's important for adult children to watch for warning signs in and around the house when home for the holidays.
Finance & Planning | Housing & Development
The green wave of making buildings more environmentally safe is taking the senior living industry by storm. According to 2012 big data reported by Energy Star, a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) program, Americans have saved a total of $24 billion on utility bills and have prevented gas emissions equal to that of 41 million vehicles. This kind of savings will only increase over the next few years, putting less strain on our wallets and protecting the earth for generations to come.
Presbyterian Senior Living (PSL) is pleased to partner with Milagro House of Lancaster and the Lancaster County Council of Churches to provide used vehicles to selected program participants. In the past, PSL residents or their family members have offered to donate vehicles for use at our communities. On occasion, we have gratefully accepted some of these generous offers; but depending on the PSL community and its needs, it hasn’t always been appropriate for the campus to put them to use. Now, through this new partnership, the vehicle can be donated through PSL to benefit the Milagro House participants.
Say the word “stewardship” and most people immediately envision charitable giving, dropping off food for the poor, tithing at church, and serving others with time, talent and treasure. In its fullest sense though, stewardship encompasses a much broader philosophy, going beyond mere acts of sharing or nurturing, while still embracing both.