Moving into the New Year is the perfect time to focus on meaningful connections and simple acts of kindness that can brighten someone’s day.
It’s often the small, intentional gestures—an encouraging word, a forgiving heart, or a comforting presence—that leave the deepest impact. For this upcoming year, let’s embrace the idea of “one”: one moment, one action, one person. By choosing to affirm, forgive, comfort, listen to, or reach out to just one individual, we can remind ourselves of the power of compassion.
- Affirm one. Take time to acknowledge just one good action or accomplishment you witness in someone else. It might be the good behavior of a young child, the expertise of a friend or worker, or the kindness of a neighbor. When you affirm someone’s character, you help her to see the best in herself.
- Forgive one. Choose to forgive just one mistake, whether silently in your own heart, or in one-to-one conversation. If you want to live, forgive. When you forgive, you offer grace.
- Comfort one. Empathize with the suffering of just one person. When we are hurting, having a friend or loved one walk alongside us is invaluable.
- Listen to one. Devote uninterrupted, focused, no-technology-in-use time to listen deeply to another person. Be invested solely in hearing her words, not formulating your response. Feeling that you are heard is like a deep, cleansing breath.
- Touch one. Human beings need touch. In our world of social connection through the Internet, it is astonishing how lonely people can feel for want of touch. Pat someone on the back…literally! Hug a friend; hold a loved one’s hand. A simple touch can be powerful to someone who could use a friend.
Of course, there are many more: Teach one, lead one, call one, and celebrate one. What "one" thing can think of? What "one" thing can you put into practice in your life during 2025?
Happy New Year!