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How to Stay Active and Young As You Age
Frederick Wall

By: Frederick Wall on February 23, 2018

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How to Stay Active and Young As You Age

Health & Aging

Updated from the original publication on February 11, 2015.

active_youngIt has been well publicized in recent years that a sedentary lifestyle can increase the likelihood of negative medical conditions such as diabetes, heart attack, certain cancers, stroke, cognitive decline, and osteoporosis. A recent study of physically active older adults, published in The Journal of Physiology, confirms that those who are physically active can decrease their risk for these conditions, but also maintain a physiological profile that is much younger compared to the general population.

Stephen Harridge, PhD, senior author and Director of the Centre of Human & Aerospace Physiological Sciences at King’s College London says:

“…most of the population is largely sedentary; the tendency is to assume that inactivity is the inevitable condition for humans. However, given that our genetic inheritance stems from a period when high levels of physical activity were the likely norm, being physically active should be considered to play an essential role in maintaining health and well-being throughout life.”

So how does one stay active and young? Make physical activity a part of your daily life. Doing so not only decreases your risk for developing chronic medical conditions, it also keeps you feeling young and healthy—well into your later years.

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About Frederick Wall

Frederick T. Wall is the Fitness Director at Green Ridge Village in Newville, PA and has provided exercise advice and guidance for diverse segments of the population for over ten years. Fred has a bachelor’s degree from Juniata College, a master’s degree from Frostburg State University, and is a certified strength and conditioning specialist. He resides in Newville, PA with his wife Megan and their daughter Laurel.