Presbyterian Senior Living : Blog

Giving voice to the topics that mean the most to those who matter the most.

Blog Feature

Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and the Importance of Belonging: Let's Talk About Ableism

Have you ever made the statement "the blind leading the blind" when referring to a group of people you don't think have enough skills or commented that your words "fell on deaf ears" when you thought someone did not listen to you close enough? These phrases are ground into our vernacular so thoroughly that we don't even give them a second thought before saying them. We usually mean no harm when we say things like that, but they are ableist statements that are harmful to disabled people.

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Blog Feature

Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and the Importance of Belonging: Ageism

When we think about diversity, we tend to think about it through some aspects of race, culture, gender or sexual orientation. Another part of diversity is looking at age through the lens of inclusion and belonging; how do we address ageism?

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Blog Feature

Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and the Importance of Belonging: Practicing Acceptance in the New Year

Each new year many of us make New Year's resolutions or make goals for the New Year. Some are focused on health and nutrition. Some are more specific, like saving more for my future, going back to school, starting my own business.

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Blog Feature

Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and the Importance of Belonging: Celebrating Diversity in December

December is the month in which many celebrate Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ. There are several other holidays celebrated in December outside of Christmas. This month we would like to highlight just a few of those holidays and share with you their origin. You may already be familiar with these holidays and enjoy celebrating them with family and friends.

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Blog Feature

Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and the Importance of Belonging: World Kindness Day & International Day for Tolerance

In November, there are two celebrations that everyone may not be aware of, which speak directly to understanding and supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion. We believe they both will make you smile!

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Blog Feature

Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and the Importance of Belonging: Celebrating Diversity in the Month of October

October is a month filled with celebrations for various groups of people. In this blog, we've listed a few you may not have known about!

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