Presbyterian Senior Living : Blog
Giving voice to the topics that mean the most to those who matter the most.
What is meditation? Meditation is an extremely ambiguous term that we often hear thrown around frequently in our society. If you ask someone to define meditation, you are bound to get many different answers, but the central concept to take with you is that it's all about finding awareness and perspective through mindfulness. But, what is mindfulness? When you are practicing mindfulness (which I've found lends itself hand and hand to meditation) you are present, rested in the here and now, and fully engaged in the moment.
Heart disease is the leading killer of Americans, claiming more lives than all forms of cancer combined. This fact is a scary reality that far too many have to face. To start, let's talk about what coronary heart disease is.
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You read it in the newspapers every day – the cost of healthcare is rising, the system is harder to understand and navigate, and patients are not getting the benefit for all of the money our healthcare system costs the country. And, if you have chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, COPD or congestive heart failure, chances are you’ve experienced significant confusion and conflicting information as you navigate the system.
Health & Aging | Personal Care/Assisted Living
You may be in a situation where someone you care about, may that be a spouse, parent, relative, or friend, is struggling to care for themselves. Perhaps you realize living at home is not the ideal situation for your senior loved one, but you aren't sure how to start the conversation about seeking out a senior living community. If you feel like you can relate to the circumstance outlined above, you're in luck. In this article, we'll cover how to address this often touchy subject and give you tips on navigating the process.
Caregiver Support | Health & Aging
As summer is in full swing and the outside temperature heats up, it's a perfect time to start talking about preventing dehydration throughout the summer months. Older adults face an increased risk of dehydration due to reduced ability to conserve water, a decrease in thirst, and a decreased daily fluid intake. Chronic illnesses and medication use increase risk as well, so seniors suffering from diabetes or dementia or taking certain medications may be at higher risk of dehydration.
As the weather gets warmer, people often find themselves spending more time outdoors than they did in the past months. Summer is right around the corner, which brings the promise of afternoon walks, water activities, and picnics. The opportunities are endless! With these activities also come the dangers of the sun's harmful rays. In this blog post, we look at some easy ways to protect your skin during the summer months, along with some common misconceptions about skin protection!