Presbyterian Senior Living : Blog

Giving voice to the topics that mean the most to those who matter the most.

Blog Feature

Health & Aging

Food for Thought: How Nutrition Can Boost Your Memory

March is here, which means it’s National Nutrition Month! You’ve probably heard all about how proper nutrition can improve your quality of life and even help you live longer, but did you know it could also boost your memory?

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Blog Feature

Caregiver Support  |  Health & Aging

10 Activities for Seniors with Alzheimer's

Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia as a whole, can be scary. It can cause seniors to withdraw from family and friends, and can cause them to lose interest in activities they once loved. It can be hard to see your loved one go through these changes, but there are some things you may be able to do to help. Maintaining those waning interests and relationships may reduce the effects of Alzheimer’s and dementia, and may allow your loved one to live a better life.

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Are You Asking the Right Questions?

Subscribe to the Presbyterian Senior Living blog and receive our free Community Evaluation Checklist to ensure you ask what’s most important to you.

Blog Feature

Caregiver Support  |  Health & Aging

Pros and Cons of Keeping Your Aging Loved One at Home

Deciding what kind of care your elderly loved one needs can be a difficult task. At some point you’ve probably wondered to yourself if they need the kind of care only professionals can provide, even though it means being away from their family. On the other hand, can you afford to keep them at home despite the added stress that would bring? The reality will differ for every person, but there are some universal pros and cons to consider when making the decision.

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Blog Feature

Health & Aging

7 Ways to be an Active Senior During the Cold Winter Months

It’s easy to fall into a sedentary lifestyle in the winter. With the cold weather and snow, it can be hard to get outside or stay active. We all know that staying on the couch all day can be bad for you, but the good news is there are several easy and fun ways to stay fit in the winter.

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Blog Feature

Health & Aging

9 Holiday Travel Tips for Seniors

The holiday season is here, and for most people that means a lot of travel. It would be nice if everyone in your family could simply come to your house every year, but that’s not always possible. Since you’ll probably find yourself planning a trip in the near future, we’ve compiled a list of holiday travel tips for seniors to make sure you get to your destination safe and sound, and to keep your trip from breaking the bank.

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Blog Feature

CCRC  |  Health & Aging

Kirkland Village Located in Top City to Retire

Money Magazine has released its latest rankings for best places to retire, and Bethlehem, PA, is ranked first out of all cities in the Northeast region. With a community in Bethlehem, Kirkland Village, Presbyterian Senior Living is poised to provide you with the best options for retirement in the region’s best city.

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