Presbyterian Senior Living : Blog

Giving voice to the topics that mean the most to those who matter the most.

Blog Feature

Health & Aging

Lifelong Fitness for Wholeness of Body, Mind and Spirit

Physical fitness is an important component of healthy aging, but it’s not the only kind of fitness that’s important. At Presbyterian Senior Living communities, we offer residents opportunities to participate in activities that improve lifelong fitness, including brain fitness and overall mental and physical fitness. There are a wide variety of activities and habits that help promote overall wellness and health. What you choose to do isn’t as important as choosing to do them consistently!

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Blog Feature

Health & Aging

A Holistic Approach to Aging Well

Seniors all over the world are taking a stand—defying the stereotypes that have been placed on them by society. You're too old…you're not social…your mind isn't what it used to be…you're unproductive…you're not creative…your health has declined. The list goes on and on. These stereotypes are actually a part of a larger problem called ageism—the discrimination against individuals or groups of people based on their age.

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Blog Feature

Health & Aging

How to Be Prepared for A Heat Wave This Summer

Your grandma is hot. And she's not the only hot grandma out there. Heat waves all over the country place older individuals - regardless of living situation - in harm’s way each and every summer. In fact, according to a study by Harvard School of Public Health, it only takes an increase of 1.8 degrees to cause a rise in death rates for older adults who have a chronic health condition. This means, even a small increase in temperature can put your loved one in danger. A heat wave is defined as an extended period of excessive heat, most often 10 degrees above average, along with stifling humidity.

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Blog Feature

Health & Aging

Your Senior Years Should Have A Plan

As your senior years appear closer upon the horizon, you might be wondering what this time in your life is going to look like. Is it time to make some lifestyle changes? Is it time to move to another local area or move to another state? Do you have a favorite vacation destination you could call home? Should you consider senior living communities? Will your finances support your aging lifestyle? Of course, you don’t want these years to involve loneliness or lack of direction - they should be the best years of your life. To ensure this happens, it's recommended to take control of your senior years and plan out your future ahead of time.

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Blog Feature

Health & Aging

Dementia vs Delirium vs Alzhemier's

If you care for a senior with cognitive impairment, you may have heard several names for the condition — including dementia, delirium and Alzheimer’s disease. But the truth is that the three terms are not interchangeable, and correct diagnosis is critical for ensuring proper medical care.

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Blog Feature

Health & Aging

Essential Technology for Older Adults

Older adults are often hesitant to embrace new technology; usually because they don’t know how to properly use it, and they aren't sure what benefits they'll get from it. However, by educating them about the benefits of new technology, you can show them how it can enhance their lives. This in turn will help them see technology for the helpful tool it is, instead of fearing or avoiding it because of lack of education.

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