Presbyterian Senior Living : Blog
Giving voice to the topics that mean the most to those who matter the most.
Exercising is a key piece of the puzzle for a healthy lifestyle, especially for seniors. But when summer comes around, it can be hard or even dangerous to exercise outdoors due to the intense heat. Of course, moving the workout indoors would be the an easy fix, but not everyone has access to a gym or exercise equipment in their home. Plus, being outside just generally feels better. Luckily, there are quite a few options for safely exercising outside, as long as you keep the risks in mind.
As we age, many of us will start to experience subtle changes in our body. Most of us might not want to admit it, but these changes are part of the normal aging process and are nothing to be ashamed of. There are, however, some changes that are not part of the normal aging process. If you start to notice those changes, you may want to consider taking action to protect your health.
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March is here, which means it’s National Nutrition Month! You’ve probably heard all about how proper nutrition can improve your quality of life and even help you live longer, but did you know it could also boost your memory?
Caregiver Support | Health & Aging
Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia as a whole, can be scary. It can cause seniors to withdraw from family and friends, and can cause them to lose interest in activities they once loved. It can be hard to see your loved one go through these changes, but there are some things you may be able to do to help. Maintaining those waning interests and relationships may reduce the effects of Alzheimer’s and dementia, and may allow your loved one to live a better life.
Caregiver Support | Health & Aging
Deciding what kind of care your elderly loved one needs can be a difficult task. At some point you’ve probably wondered to yourself if they need the kind of care only professionals can provide, even though it means being away from their family. On the other hand, can you afford to keep them at home despite the added stress that would bring? The reality will differ for every person, but there are some universal pros and cons to consider when making the decision.
It’s easy to fall into a sedentary lifestyle in the winter. With the cold weather and snow, it can be hard to get outside or stay active. We all know that staying on the couch all day can be bad for you, but the good news is there are several easy and fun ways to stay fit in the winter.