Presbyterian Senior Living : Blog

Giving voice to the topics that mean the most to those who matter the most.

Blog Feature

Health & Aging

Let’s Go Clubbing at the 2015 U.S. Women’s Open

The 2015 U.S. Women’s Open is coming to the Lancaster Country Club, Lancaster PA. This past Monday, The United States Golf Association announced it has accepted a record 1,873 entries for this year’s championship event—a number that is clearly an indicator of the growing interest and support for women golfers. Folks from all over will be clubbing it up July 6 through July 12, 2015, and the best part is you don’t have to be an avid golfer to enjoy the fun.

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Blog Feature

Health & Aging

Health and Aging: Move Over Young'n, It's My Time to Shine

Seniors all over the world are taking a stand—defying the stereotypes that have been placed on them by society. You're too old…you're not social…your mind isn't what it used to be…you're unproductive…you're not creative…your health has declined. The list goes on and on. These stereotypes are actually a part of a larger problem called ageism—the discrimination against individuals or groups of people based on their age.

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Are You Asking the Right Questions?

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Blog Feature

Health & Aging

Think F.A.S.T: How to Tell if Someone You Know is Having a Stroke [Health Infographic]

May is American Stroke Month. Do you know the warning signs of stroke? The American Heart Association reports every 40 seconds someone has a stroke. It can happen to anyone, at any age. Recognizing the signs and taking immediate action can make the difference between life and death for someone you love. The sooner the treatment, the less chance a person risks developing serious brain damage. Learn the stroke warning signs to watch out for. By doing so, you may just save a life.

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Blog Feature

Health & Aging  |  Reflections & Leadership

The Importance of Intergenerational Programming for Youth, Older Adults, and Community

Do you consider yourself young or young at heart? If you're over the age of 70 and feel your best years are behind you, we may have the answer to that one recurring question you keep finding yourself asking: "What can I do to feel young again?" What if we told you there was a way to regain the youth of years past? Would you believe us?

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Blog Feature

Health & Aging  |  Reflections & Leadership

Personal Care in PA: And the Julie H.C. Bailey PRIDE Award Goes To…

Recognizing excellence in dementia care by direct care professionals in the healthcare field. The Julie H.C. Bailey PRIDE award is given annually to one worthy recipient in each of the states the Delaware Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association serves: Delaware, Southern New Jersey, and Southeastern Pennsylvania. This prestigious award is presented to the winners at one of the annual Alzheimer’s Association annual conferences to highlight and celebrate their extraordinary examples of excellence in dementia care.

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Blog Feature

Health & Aging

If You Think You're Too Old for Yoga, You Gotta See This!

If you thought yoga was only for young people, think again. As a system of exercises used for attaining physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, yoga can be adapted to fit a variety of people with diverse abilities and needs. Dating back 5,000 years—to the third millennium BC—the benefits of yoga were and still are infinite. Increased muscle tone and flexibility, improved balance and strength, weight reduction, and protection from injury are just a few of the benefits active and healthy seniors can expect from practicing this ancient, therapeutic art form.

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