Presbyterian Senior Living : Blog

Giving voice to the topics that mean the most to those who matter the most.

Blog Feature

Health & Aging

Exercise During Middle Age: Study Reveals the Most Effective Way to Motivate Your Spouse

I think any married couple would agree that our spouses exert a great deal of influence over our daily routine, habits, and behaviors. Whether it’s figuring out how to divide chores or arrange schedules around work, children or leisure time, our spouses affect our behavior probably more than most of us would like to admit. Our exercise habits are no exception and a new study from researchers at Johns Hopkins University, in collaboration with other institutions, examines the effect that our spouses have on our activity levels.

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Blog Feature

Health & Aging

National Nutrition Month's Ultimate How-To Guide to Fruits and Vegetables

According to a Cornell University Agricultural School professor, the number of different fruits and vegetables harvested and consumed worldwide ranks in the thousands. In the United States, consumers eat only a small number of these. The top vegetables consumed by the majority of the population include: lettuce, potatoes, onions, and tomatoes. Watermelon is in the mix, too. The remaining few pounds per year are split between a number of different kinds. However, it is remarkable how little of these other fruits and vegetables are eaten.

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Caregiver Support  |  Health & Aging

Discover 10 Reasons You'll Love Nursing

We all agree nursing can be very challenging at times, but it's probably one of the most rewarding career choices out there today. To all those who have chosen this career path, you are real life superheroes and more of you are needed.

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Blog Feature

Health & Aging

Active and Healthy Seniors: It's Time to Bite Into a Healthy Lifestyle

March is National Nutrition Month and the message this year from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is to “Bite into a Healthy Lifestyle.” This message is more about establishing a healthy pattern of eating and making informed food choices versus perfection.

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Blog Feature

Health & Aging

National Nutrition Month: Know Your Plate Infographic

There's no better time to take charge of your health than right now. March is National Nutrition Month and all over the country, schools and child care centers have begun to implement healthy school meals into their nutritional programs. To date, approximately 90 percent of school districts are meeting these new nutritional standards. Yet schools aren't the only ones making sure those they serve receive healthy meals. Senior care providers are making an effort to ensure older adults receive the dietary and nutritional support they need.

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Blog Feature

Health & Aging

Senior Living Lifestyle Options: Are You Making Smart Fitness Choices?

When it comes to making lifestyle choices regarding staying active and fit, there are a myriad of options that can provide significant health benefits. Whether you are lifting weights or using a treadmill, performing yoga or tai chi, participating in a water aerobics class or simply walking with a friend, there are many great senior living lifestyle options for those interested in maintaining or improving their health.

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