Presbyterian Senior Living : Blog

Giving voice to the topics that mean the most to those who matter the most.

Blog Feature


3 Things Every Adventurous Senior Needs to do in Philly (At Least Once)

Having a day where you are itching for something to do but just can't think of anything? We've all been there. If you're around Philadelphia, you're in luck! Philadelphia's rich history and vibrant downtown make it great for all ages. The city is full of such a wide variety of activities it's almost impossible to run out of new things to do and try. Here are 3 neat spots that are entertaining and accessible for fairly active to adventurous seniors.

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Blog Feature

CCRC  |  Miscellaneous

4 Best Senior Activities Near Glen Arm, Maryland

Have you ever found yourself sitting at home on a Saturday morning just wishing you could think of something fun and different to do for the day? If you're a senior living in Glen Arm, Maryland there may be a plethora of things to do right in your backyard that you may not even realize! From outdoor activities to wine tastings, the opportunities are endless. Glen Arm is located only a short drive from both Baltimore and Towson, which makes this an excellent place to retire.

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Blog Feature


National Nurses Week: Recognizing PSL Nurses

Each year from May 6 to 12, the American Nurses Association celebrates National Nurses Week. This week was first brought to life in the early 1950s to recognize the honest and ethical profession of nursing. The week was officially deemed National Nurses Week by the White House in 1974 when President Nixon issued a proclamation. The week ends on May 12, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, who is widely known as the founder of modern nursing.

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Blog Feature


Finding the Spirit of Christmas

Every year when December arrives I find that I am in need of a boost – an infusion of something called “Christmas spirit”. I am not alone in this desire. A recent Wall Street Journal article chronicled the popularity of the Hallmark channel and its seemly endless stream of “feel good” Christmas movies. I have to admit that I am one of millions of Hallmark movie watchers that are referenced in the article.

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Blog Feature

Caregiver Support  |  Miscellaneous

10 Fun Mother's Day Activities for Seniors

Mother’s Day is right around the corner, and hopefully this blog post is just a reminder and not the first time you’re hearing about it! At Presbyterian Senior Living, we understand the importance of celebrating Mother’s Day, and want to help everyone show their love for their mothers, too. If you’re still looking for ways to show your mother how much you appreciate her, the activities listed below might be able to help.

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Blog Feature


A Senior's Guide To Emojis

If you have a smartphone, or use social media regularly, you’ve probably noticed those little yellow faces popping up every once in awhile. They’re called emojis, and are used constantly in text communication these days. Emojis can be very useful, and even funny sometimes, but if they're not used properly they can also lead to misunderstanding and embarrassment. If you’re not sure that you’re using an emoji properly, have no fear! This guide (and the infographic at the end) will help you master the emoji, so you can understand what everyone is saying.

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