Presbyterian Senior Living : Blog

Giving voice to the topics that mean the most to those who matter the most.

Blog Feature

Thrive Wellness

Steering Group Approves Charter, Creates Community Education, and Prepares for Launch!

The Thrive Wellness Steering Group (TWSG) met for the seventh time on December 2nd. During this meeting, the Thrive Wellness Community Committee charter was approved, and the 2021 rollout plan was discussed. In the first quarter of 2021, residents will be provided education about Thrive Wellness. First, Resident Councils will have a presentation from their Executive Director or Campus Administrator and their Thrive Wellness Steering Group member. After this presentation to the council, a Thrive Wellness presentation will be given to all residents via a virtual town hall, community newsletter, etc. Each PSL community will choose the form of communication that works best for them.

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Blog Feature

Thrive Wellness

Steering Groups Meets to Define Purposeful Living Philosophy and Dimensions of Thrive Wellness

The Thrive Wellness Steering Group met for the sixth time on November 4th and discussed the Thrive Wellness communication and messaging with the PSL marketing team as we move forward. The marketing team provided a presentation and then engaged the steering group with several questions to get their direct feedback and suggestions as the Thrive Wellness communication plan is being developed.

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Blog Feature

Thrive Wellness

Steering Group Establishes Framework & Key Principles While Developing Thrive Wellness Community Committee Charters

The Thrive Wellness Steering Group met for the fifth time on October 14th. It focused on developing key principles for Thrive based on the common elements, themes, and trends highlighted in the feedback data from all residents’ surveys and focus groups. As previously mentioned in this monthly blog series - the steering group studied and analyzed all resident responses. As a result of this, they have been able to “pull” key ideas, common themes, and what PSL residents are saying is most important to them in their wellness journey.

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Blog Feature

Thrive Wellness

PSL Resident Feedback Considered as Steering Group Studies Resident Surveys and Focus Group Results

All eleven of the Thrive Wellness focus groups across PSL have been completed, and resident feedback and input has been collected and stored. The Thrive Wellness Steering Group is listening, and residents’ voices through surveys and focus groups are now being heard. Residents’ ideas, suggestions, and recommendations are being taken into account during the development process of Thrive Wellness.

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Blog Feature

Thrive Wellness

Presbyterian Senior Living Residents Engage in Focus Groups and Steering Groups

An essential component of Thrive Wellness is residents having a voice and opportunities to provide their input as the design and development process continues this year.

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Blog Feature

Thrive Wellness

Presbyterian Senior Living Residents Spearheading New Thrive Wellness Initiative

Embarking on an exciting journey with ample opportunity, this year, residents of PSL are actively engaging with each other and team members to design an organization-wide, resident-led, holistic wellness program— Thrive Wellness. Officially, Thrive Wellness will launch in January 2021; however, between now and then, many special and essential steps are being taken as the development process begins— as it should, with a "grass-roots," resident-led approach.

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