Seniors all over the world are taking a stand—defying the stereotypes that have been placed on them by society. You're too old…you're not social…your mind isn't what it used to be…you're unproductive…you're not creative…your health has declined. The list goes on and on. These stereotypes are actually a part of a larger problem called ageism—the discrimination against individuals or groups of people based on their age.
Ageism is apparent in the media, in everyday language we use, and the humor we share between friends. Phrases like "over the hill" and "old fuddy-duddy" make the aging process sound less than desirable. The truth is, aging is not a means to an end. In fact, aging in many ways signifies new life. It's the start of new and exciting beginnings—the chance to do the things you never got around to doing in your 20s and 30s. For many, it's the opportunity to take on new hobbies or simply give back in ways others have given to them.
This Older Americans Month, take time to recognize and show gratitude for the impact seniors have on society. With that said, this shouldn't be the only time of year we celebrate life and the accomplishments of older adults. Mark Twain said, "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” So if you're over the age of 50, stop focusing on who society says you are. Who do you say you are? Tell those young'ns to move over, it's your time to shine! You've just begun to live and your best years are still ahead.
Stop focusing on who society says you are. Who do you say you are?
Lynda Kuckenbrod, a resident at the Presbyterian Senior Living community of Quincy Village isn't at all afraid to tell her younger counterparts to get out of her way. She's embracing older age and living life to the fullest. Proactive about her health, Lynda is in the best shape of her life. She has lost 40 lbs; created a successful, international bedside music training program; loves playing the harp for fellow residents of her community and leads them through crystal bowl sessions. "For me, it has been particularly life changing," says Lynda. She is a true example of what successfully aging in place really means.
Active in Masterpiece Living—a program that provides stimulating, life-enriching, measurable programs designed to enhance the lives of residents, staff, and the entire culture of community—Lynda's gifts and talents shine through. She is defying stereotypes and abolishing ageism. Thank you Lynda for allowing us to be a part of your successful aging journey. Keep doing what you are doing, encouraging others and not letting anyone tell you who you are.
Read more about how Lynda is growing, achieving, inventing, and celebrating life.
Learn more about Quincy Village. We're a Masterpiece Living community that views health and aging differently.
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