The Top 5 Reasons Why Retirement Stinks
Updated from the original publication on June 6, 2019.
Have you reached retirement age? Perhaps you have already retired, but you're finding that it's not all it's cracked up to be. Everyone says that once you retire, you'll never look back. They say retirement improves health and well-being. They even say it's the best decision you'll ever make. Well, here's what we have to say to that, "Not true!"
OK, I know what you are thinking. Why is a provider of retirement options and senior care telling me that retirement may not be a good thing? Well, the truth is, retirement is only as good as the place you choose to retire in. So we want to ask you a question, "Are you really enjoying your retirement years?" If retirement just isn't as good as you thought, or if it just plain stinks, it may be time consider a senior living community. Keep reading to discover the top five reasons you may not be enjoying your retirement years.
1. You don't currently live in a community that values your unique talents, gifts, and desires.
When choosing a senior living community, particularly one you want to enjoy, it's good to look for those that offer an array of activities and cultural enrichment opportunities. Presbyterian Senior Living communities value the unique gifts and talents of those who come to live here. For this reason, we make it a point to offer a variety of social activities—ones that cater to the individuality of every resident. From building bluebird houses to constructing model trains, implementing intergenerational programming and more, our communities offer a little bit of something for everyone. And for those that just want to relax—free from agendas, schedules, and the hustle and bustle of busy life—you can do that too. Your life is what you make of it.
2. Your current lifestyle is not nurturing of successful aging.
So the new buzzword in senior living is successful aging. While buzzwords come and go, this is one that has come to stay. Successful aging is all about providing avenues for older adults to grow physically, mentally, and socially. Because Presbyterian Senior Living and our communities care about the well-being of older adults, in 2012, we began the rollout of a new program called Masterpiece Living. Based on a 10-year study on aging by the MacArthur Foundation, the Masterpiece Living approach provides stimulating, life-enriching, measurable programs designed to enhance the lives of active and healthy seniors, staff, and the entire culture of the community.
The communities within our network provide programs that help older adults age in place. The fabric of our culture is made up of caring, attentive, and dedicated staff that are devoted to treating residents like family. After all, when you come to a Presbyterian Senior Living community, this is exactly who you are—family.
3. You have to take care of maintenance issues and repairs on your own.
Leaky faucets, cracks in the foundation, paint and other repairs. Who wants to deal with these things in retirement? Retirement is supposed to mean "less work and more living." Fortunately, most senior living communities provide maintenance-free communities. When you decide to retire, you shouldn't have to worry about all the same things you worried about during your pre-retirement years. From grounds maintenance to fixing appliances to replacing a light bulb, we have you covered. You should be able to rest easy now that you have decided to retire.
4. You have put off the move to a senior living community because you think you can't bring Fido and Felix with you.
Presbyterian Senior Living understands how important your furry friends are. They are part of your family. You shouldn't have to sacrifice years of fun outings with your best friend. After all, these are the best years of your (and your pet's) life!
You'll be glad to know that our communities are pet friendly. We even have programs, throughout our network that use pet therapy to aid in health and well-being. So whether a loved one is visiting with a pet for the day, or you are living in one of our pet friendly communities, Fido and Felix are welcomed with smiling faces.
5. You care about the environment, but the only thing "green" in your life is the peas.
Green living has become the new trend. More and more people are choosing to be environmentally minded in their decision-making process. From the type of car someone drives to lifestyle changes and more, green has become the new norm.
In these economic times, going green can also save some green. On its own, recycling, composting, thrifting, and reusing can save hundreds. Tips from Good Housekeeping, like starting a vegetable garden can produce a cost savings of up to $2,000.
At Presbyterian Senior Living, building environmentally conscious communities is of upmost importance to us. From retrofitting existing buildings to purchasing energy efficient appliances to carving out space for resident gardens, we want to do our part to make this world, and our communities, a better place to live. Schedule a visit to any one of our communities and ask us about "going green." It doesn't just stop with the peas.
Retirement shouldn't stink. Visit a Presbyterian Senior Living community and discover the difference a caring community can make.